Wednesday, January 28, 2009

GroupLife Milestone

I have some exciting news to share. As a lot of you know, we are a part of a larger organization and movement called North Point Ministries (NPM). We have the privilege of partnering with 17 other Churches all over the USA and Canada, with 5 more being planted this year! As an organization, we recently reached a milestone with over 31,000 people within NPM Churches connected into Community Groups. Amazing! Our goal is to see 50,000 people in groups by the end of 2010. The question is, are you experiencing the life changing dynamic of sharing life with other couples or singles in the context of a small group? If not...GroupLink is your next step.

What is GroupLink?
GroupLink is a two-hour, interactive event to connect you with others in your area of town and stage of life to form a Community Group.

After meeting with the other people and finding others like you, we will form groups. And don't worry, our staff and volunteers will walk you through the entire process. Our Lead Pastor will spend some time talking about Community Groups then time will be provided for you to get to know the people in your newly formed group.

If you are planning to attend GroupLink, you need to first register.